$14 000

1998 Stahl KD 78

Car Details
Year 1998
Size 115 x 78 cm (45 x 30 inch)
Plate Clamp
Imp. Counter mio
Press type
Power Supply 220V
History N/A
Stock id 2448
  • Pile feeder
  • Photocell
  • Sound cover
  • Electronic Knife
Seller Note

Stahl KD 78/4 KZ - PD | 1998

max. size 78 x 115 cm
age 1998
pallet feeder PD 78
4 folding pockets in the parallel fold section
following knife shaft
2 folding knives in the cross fold section
stacking delivery SBP 46
2. station: 4 folding pockets 66 cm
Delivery time: immediately